Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
A2Z memiliki team R&D di bidang Artificial Intelligence (AI) yang ditujukan untuk menghadirkan sebuah program bot yang pintar dalam mempelajari cara interaksi manusia. Manfaat kekuatan Machine Learning dan AI untuk mendapatkan wawasan yang mendalam dan membuat keputusan bisnis yang lebih baik. Selain itu mempermudah Anda untuk menempatkan AI pada posisi yang berhubungan langsung dengan manusia.
Contoh : Online Customer Service, Online Help Desk, dan dapat ditempatkan pada Online Games.

Keunggulan Layanan AZ
Layanan IT yang Fleksibel
Solusi IT Terbaik Bersama Tim Kami
Dipercaya Ribuan Bisnis
Pengalaman Selama 10 Tahun Lebih
Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Working Hours
Monday – Friday
09.00 am – 08.00 pm
09.00 am – 08.00 pm
09.00 am – 03.00 pm
09.00 am – 03.00 pm
Sunday closed