Game Development

Game Development

Games sangat digemari disemua kalangan berbagai usia. Melihat peluang dan memanfaatkan teknologi, Az solusindo akhirnya mampu menciptakan serta mengembangkan game yang luar biasa. Kami memiliki Team Games Developer dan Games Analysis yang ahli dalam membuat dan membangun produk games untuk beberapa client.

Keunggulan Layanan AZ
Layanan IT yang Fleksibel
Solusi IT Terbaik Bersama Tim Kami
Dipercaya Ribuan Bisnis
Pengalaman Selama 10 Tahun Lebih

Mulai dari konsep awal hingga peluncuran di berbagai platform mobile dan web, tim kami mendukung Anda di setiap langkah untuk memastikan game Anda sukses di pasaran. Design games dibuat mengikuti permintaan client berupa produk jadi yang ingin dipublish. Melibatkan penyelarasan terdistribusi secara interaktif melalui penyelarasan terfokus. Menciptakan inovasi unggul secara dinamis untuk teknologi maju, yaitu menghasilkan Game yang sangat diminati para gamers,

Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Progressively communicate flexible human capital with best-of-breed schemas. Completely develop 2.0 infrastructures via bleeding-edge opportunities. Completely initiate world-class leadership skills via fully tested applications. Objectively seize dynamic e-services and accurate markets.
Working Hours
Monday – Friday
09.00 am – 08.00 pm
09.00 am – 03.00 pm
Sunday closed